Deepening Discernment: How to Hear What God is Saying

Ever been presented with something that made you stop and ask “God, is this you? Is this the way I should go?”

Discernment, or having right judgment, is about making godly decisions – knowing whether the choice in front of us is the right or wrong way to go. In a world full of tempting offers, distractions and counterfeits, it’s important to know the difference between a good thing and a God thing.

After listening to countless sermons on what having discernment really means, we’ve come up with a few key takeaways for cultivating sound judgment. These basic necessities for deepening discernment are the same things we know deepen our faith in God:

Take Him at His Word – The bible is our number one stop on the road to knowing and hearing God's voice. The scriptures are “God breathed”, (2 Timothy 3:16)  “ and active, sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). Staying in his word should answer some of our pressing questions, helping us discern which way we should go. Because He is good, His word can be trusted and we can base our discernment in what it has to say. 

Word from the Wise – We need people around us who love God and want His best for us -  people who will pray with us, believe with us, and confirm what God has said. Proverbs 11:14 says there’s safety in having a multitude of counselors. Loving mentors, leaders, and good, godly friends can help lay out our options and see where God’s hand is at work. 

Grow in Gratitude – A grateful heart breeds contentment, and contentment works like a broom. It sweeps away doubts, fears, scarcity mentalities - things that cause stress which depletes good discernment. With those feelings validated and in their proper place we’ll be able to see more clearly what’s from God and what’s hype.

Seal It with Prayer – The Holy Spirit, always in us, helps us know his way from the rest. And some decisions can’t be made on outward appearances alone. So after you’ve read your word, talked with wise counsel, and still don’t know which way to go (which absolutely will happen!) pray with a heart full of contentment and gratitude, asking the Holy Spirit to help you make the right call. 

Know that God is not hiding his will from us, nor does he want us to guess which way to go. But he does want us to look to Him for direction each and every step of the way. Always remember when making tough decisions that no matter what you do God is working behind the scenes, because “...all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). 

Want more resources on discernment? Check out this sermon series from Redefined TV we love!

charlene carr