FWTW Moment: Charlene Carr
Sip N’ Style: Provided art installation and decor
I’ll never forget the day I decided I was finally leaving my job after five years. I had been with the company as a whole for nine, and while I was thankful for the opportunity… I was beyond ready for something new and in line with what I was passionate about (event management).
This particular day started like any other. I caught the BART into San Francisco, took the elevator up to the seventh floor of my office building and started to make my rounds – meeting with managers and providing consultation on issues related to my unit.
It was almost lunchtime when I was finishing up my last meeting, and before ending the manager asked if I was feeling OK because I looked tired. I was tired… tired of the job… but I didn’t think that was showing. I was still smiling, still upbeat and was managing to keep my discontentment on the inside. So I thought.
I made my way back to my desk and happened to catch my reflection in the mirror hanging on my cubicle wall – for the first time I had no idea who was starring back at me.
I made my way back to my desk and happened to catch my reflection in the mirror hanging on my cubicle wall – for the first time I had no idea who was starring back at me. No wonder the manager asked if I was tired! All the frustration and energy it was taking to come into a place I no longer belonged was smeared all over my face.
I immediately emailed my supervisor, took a “sick day”, shut down my computer and made it down the elevator and out the front door before the first tear started to fall. I knew I couldn’t go back and could finally hear what God had been nudging in my heart FOR OVER A YEAR…it was time to leave.
But how? What was my husband going to say? How could we afford living in the Bay Area on one paycheck? How was I going to make money (I had been going on interviews in the event industry with no success)? How was I going to make this work?
Enter my FWTW Moment: I went home and shared the news with my husband and his response was “Ok babe! Good for you, we’ll make it work! Now you can plan events on your own.” I’m sorry, excuse me - on my own? I proceeded to share the “idea” with a few people and all I got was support. Somehow I was the ONLY ONE doubting my success. Why? Because I didn’t know how I was going to do it. That’s when my FWTW Moment happened.
I realized that going back to my job wasn’t an option and the only door I knew God had opened was this one - so I leaped! I remember laying on my balcony, looking up at the sky and telling God “Ok, I’m ready. You created me, you know my desires and you’re the only one who can make this work. You lead and I’ll follow.”
In September it’ll be a year since I left my job and let God truly take the lead. In this past year, I’ve planned more events and weddings than I could have imagined, worked with some beautiful people, and now have recruiters reaching out to ME about potential jobs!
Leaving my job was my FWTW Moment because it was the first time I truly stepped out on faith. I had exhausted all my options and all I could do was depend on God, and I’m glad I did.
*Do you have a FWTW Moment to share? If so, we want to hear it. Shoot us an email to share your story: I want to share my FWTW Moment!
Sip N’ Style: Provided art installation and decor